Friday, June 1, 2007

Technological Breakthrough

Oh my gosh I'm so excited right now - I just had a breakthrough!

My phone service is with nextel because I know a guy who knows a guy, so its cheap. But a pain in my ass. For some reason that I don't understand, due to the fact that the text messaging goes through the internet instead of the network or however a normal phone works, I can't text right from my phone book. I have to memorize a number, go to this other spot in my phone, enter the number, and write the text. I can chose a number from a "previously sent" list, but it only saves the last 9 numbers I sent a text to. And I'm much more popular than that.

So today, I'm sending a text to Chelsey about how the sun we were sitting in at lunch time made me itchy, and I noticed that one of the options at the bottom of the "previously sent" list is "save?". HANG ON! I can save the numbers??? I swear to god this is a new feature, because in the year or two I've been using this phone, I would have noticed, right? OK, so maybe I have to enter all of my numbers twice into my phone, but at least I can text without having to memorize now! I see this as a poolside project for the weekend.

I know, right? Texting a work? What are you, Jessica? A highschooler? So what if I am.


Ty said...

jessica, i'm so happy that i have now made it into your blog. i hate that dreadful old school phone company that i used to work for. yes, advancements have been made, but nextel was not part of them. the rest of are gearing up for the new iphone, meanwhile, you are still "sending...receiving...sending...receiving"...ghetto

Anonymous said...

the sun made you itchy??????

Jessica Oakley said...

A Follow-up Story: I was at xwives with a few friends last night, when Cristin and Brock lean towards me as if they have something discreet to tell me. They say, "Jess, we've decided we can't be friends with you until you get a better phone service. Everytime you reply to our texts, your text comes through twice. And it quotes the original text we sent you." So I guess my breakthrough is pointless? I tried to talk them into covering the difference in cost between my phone plan and the plan they want me to have, but they weren't so sure that was a good idea. Then I tried to talk them into actually calling me, like normal grown-ups, but they weren't into that either. We'll see if this friendship can last...

P.S. Ty, thanks for visiting! Please don't tell nextel i'm still on your friends and family plan even though you don't work there anymore. ;)

P.P.S. Dad, sometimes when you get a sunburn, it itches.

Kate said...

I'm with Rich. I'm so hung up on the "itchy in the sun" thing that I can't focus on the real issue.

Carly said...

Don't worry Jess. I am still on my own friends and family plan from when I worked there about 3 years ago...they still haven't caught on.

I feel for you on the text message thing, people don't even bother texting me anymore because it is so crappy. The worst is when someone sends you a video message and you know that it is going to be hilarious, but you can't watch it because you have a Crap-Nextel phone.