Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How Did Someone Decide to Try This?

Whenever I hear about a new recipe at Weight Watchers, I wonder to myself, "Who on earth was the first person to decide that combination was going to work well??? Are they Mormon, or a stoner?" I certainly don't mean any offense to Mormons or stoners - I'm mostly fascinated.

Admit it, Mormons, you have some interesting food combos. Like the produce in a jello mold idea...that was you guys, right? Yesterday, we had a substitute leader at The W.W. who suggested that we mix a packet of butterscotch pudding into a can of crushed pineapple, then fold in diced apples and fat free cool whip. She promised that it would taste like a caramel apple, but without the bad stuff. And she's right, but really! Who's idea was it to put butterscotch pudding mix into a can of crushed pineapple?

And then there's the diet coke cake. I can only imagine a stoner with mad munchies riffling through their kitchen, coming up with a can of diet coke and a box of chocolate cake mix, and wondering...just wondering...what would happen if they baked it together. As it turns out, it makes a delicious, fluffy, low-point chocolate cake, but really! Who's idea was it to put a can of diet coke into a chocolate cake mix?

Somebody fess up. Please.


Kate said...

Holy s***. I don't even know these things could be done. Maybe this is how people get PhDs in Home-Ec. They do a thesis on the leavening and moistening properties of Diet Coke? I share your wonder.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jess. I love your blog. Diet Coke in a cake, hehe. Stoner for sure. Or a momo trying to justify their addiction to soda maybe?

This is Sav btw.

Melody said...

Hmmm...I guess the same personality types that first tried frog legs, snails, artichokes, and sea urchins.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I wonder about that stuff, too, but, as my daughter, how the hell do you come up with this stuff??????????

Chad said...

You've got to be kidding - Diet Coke as ingredient thought up by stoner? No way. It's obviously the relief society president who thought of that one.

Stoners can barely open a bag of potato chips.