Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I'm trying to be organized and stay on top of everything, right? So, gmail users, you know how you can "label" your emails, and they get sorted off to the left side there? Well, I did that. You know, a label for "Reply - Mary Kay" and "Reply - friends" and "Use this idea" and other such labels I thought would help me stay prioritized in my Mary Kay business. The problem is, I put emails into these folders, and then don't really look at them again. Dangit. I've stayed pretty on top of answering emails from my customers, for obvious reasons (I hope they're obvious, anyway). But the friends emails....eesh! I'm embarrassed to admit that there were emails in there from May 6* that I had not answered. So much for staying organized.

*If you emailed me on May 6, I'm terribly horribly incredibly embarrassingly sorry for not writing you back!!! Please still be my friend.

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