Thursday, August 21, 2008

Downsizing? Seriously?

Britta is full of good stuff today. She always reads the internet during her lunch, and came across this totally incredible article about Aaron Spelling's widow's house.

Britta says to me, "Guess how many square feet Aaron Spelling's widow's house is?"

I said, "49,000!" thinking that was like the size of Rhode Island, and there couldn't possibly be a house that large.

Britta says, "Nope. Fifty six." She pauses. "Thousand. Thousand." She explains that it has a wine tasting room, a bowling alley, and a well-known gift wrapping room. Well-known. Whatever. I've never heard of it. Then Britta proceeds to tell me that Mrs. Spelling is downsizing to a condo. A 16,000 square foot condo.

Of course I grab my calculator. "So what you're telling me is that you could fit 22.86 of my condo into her condo. What do you do with that much condo?"

Britta says, "How many of your condo can you fit into her house?"

80. Almost 81.

Man. I'd be happy with two of my condo. Share the wealth, Mrs. Spelling.

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