Saturday, June 7, 2008

Long Overdue Posts

I just want you all to know that in the past few whirlwind-ish months of my life, I have been neglecting my blog not for lack of blog fodder, but because I had neither the time nor energy to type anything that was unrelated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah. But life appears to be slowing down, and I have a list in my brain of the things I've been meaning to blog about.

For example, on rainy May 1, I was driving from one meeting to another, and saw this:Dos Equis. All over the road. I guess this is what happens when you forget to close the back of your beer truck. My favorite part of this scene was the crazy looking, toothless, homeless lady who parked her shopping cart in the gas station parking lot to help the pony-tailed, incredibly distraught looking beer truck driver pick up the bottles off the road. He was trying to pick up a box, fill it with as much broken glass as he could, and sweep the rest to the gutter with his foot. She was picking up one half bottle at a time, and carrying it over to the driver to hand it to him. Hilarious. I was actually thankful the long red light for once.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm surprised more people didn't stop to "help" and see if any of the bottles survived.