Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Long Overdue Post: Baby Mouse

Dave doesn't think I blog about him enough. So I will. A while back, Dave read an interview in Esquire with Kelly from The Office where she talks about the ten things men don't know about women. I guess this is a regular feature in Esquire - where a famous girl says the ten things she thinks men don't know about women. Or something along those lines.

Anyway... Dave read Mindy Kaling's list and really took to heart the suggestion that you nickname your girlfriend something smaller than a bread box. He's taken a particular liking to "Baby Mouse."

And so have I.

For example, it was raining when we were leaving for Vegas and I was complaining about having to walk through the parking lot and Dave said, "I'll just put you in my pocket and protect you from the rain, Baby Mouse." How cute is that? For reals.


Unknown said...

super cute!

Anonymous said...

Now, that's sweet. I'm impressed.

Kate said...

So, maybe Simon needs a subscription to Esquire...