Sunday, January 18, 2009


A while back I found an email in my flickr account letting me know that the Schmap Guide people had found one of the photos Dave and I took when we were in Seattle in July. They wanted to know if it would be ok to submit our photo for inclusion it their soon-to-be-released Seattle guide. I said, "What the heck."

Today I found an email in my flickr account letting me know that our photo was chosen to be included! Pretty rad, right? Check out the guide here - our photo is the one of the Victoria Clipper.

Now, the Schmap people asked how I'd like the credit credited. There wasn't enough space to put both of our names. There wasn't even enough space for a space between my first name and last name. To be totally honest, I couldn't remember who took which pictures on our trip. It was months ago, and I can barely remember the things that happened last week. So since the photo was on my camera and then posted on my flickr, I went ahead and put my name.

Just now I went over to the couch and said, "Look babe! One of our Seattle pictures was selected to be included in the Schmap guide!" Dave said, "I took that photo. That's your name." I explained the space issue and he said, "So what you're saying is David Oakley would have fit perfectly." Hmph. So I'm officially giving all the credit to Dave. Unless you only read the Schmap guide without ever seeing this blog. Then I get all the credit.

The point is, I'm published.


Weber said...

That's pretty cool. Nice photo, Dave!

Michelle said...

Pretty cool! Tell Dave to get used to it. You live together now. Whats his is yours... and whats yours is yours. :)

Jessica said...

Sweeet! Forget credit, I would have asked for money.