Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry I've been neglecting you.

Last year, when I went to Fall Camp (the 2-day Mary Kay training for my national area at The Canyons), I was sitting in the second to last row, starving, and realizing I still had two hours to go. All of the sudden, everyone on the front row was eating popcorn and drinking soda and I was painfully jealous. At that point I decided I would do whatever it takes to get on the front row next year.

Next year has come. And what I need to do is put my product on 100 faces by the end of October. This challenge was issued back in July, when it would have been easy to complete. 100 faces divided by four months is a mere 25 faces per month. I don't like to do things the easy way. If I learned anything in college, its that I prefer to wait and wait and wait, and then cram in the giant project at the very last second.

So October came. I had done 46 out of the 100. I sort of gave up. But then I heard one of my girlfriends say she had 60 faces to go and nothing was going to get in her way. So I made the decision to go for it come hell or high water.

Doing 54 faces in one month is no small feat. I've had to beg and plead and bribe people to help me. But its been fun. And its been worth it. Today is the 23rd. I have 22 faces to go by next Friday. Well, Thursday, considering Dave and I are going to see the Odyssey Dance Company's Thriller on Friday night. So I have 22 faces to go in 8 days. And I feel so confident that I will do it. I mean, I have four parties this weekend. I'm blowing this contest out of the water.

So my point is, Blog, I'm sorry I've been neglecting you. I've been busy succeeding. Hallelujah.


P.S. Blog, will you please tell my dear friends who have let me borrow their faces this month that I say, "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK!!"? Thank you. I appreciate it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Birthday Greetings

Here are the birthday cards I got in the mail this week...

This is actually from someone I know - my Mary Kay Sales Director, Debi. But its totally computer generated and has this weird little baby on it. I don't get it.

This one is also from someone I know. Granted, I know her because she refinanced my condo for me. I did know her before that through the Murray Chamber Women in Business, but I doubt she would have sent me a birthday card before the refinance. What I like about this card is that its the only one that is hand-written and feels personal. Thanks, Nona!

This one is from the fine folks at AppleOne Employment Services. They hand-signed their first names, but no personal notes...

This one is the funniest. The outside says, "Hotel Alpha Papa Papa Yankee Bravo India Romeo Tango Hotel Delta Alpha Yankee." The inside says, "That's fancy aviation talk for 'Happy Birthday' from all of us at Rapid Rewards." If you're a Rapid Rewards member and Southwest has yet to send you your birthday card for this year, I'm sorry to ruin the surprise.

This one is the prettiest. Its pink. Guess who its from... Yup, Mary Kay corporate. Those guys are so thoughtful. Or they have a really good system for keeping track and taking care of their 1.7 million consultants world-wide. Either way, they never cease to amaze me.

That's it. Nothing from aunts or uncles or out of town friends. I'm not complaining. I'm just amused. And thinking I should make more of an effort to remember peeps' birthdays and send actual cards. But I'm not making any promises.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mosaic of Me

1. What is your first name? (jessica)
2. What is your favorite food? (crown burger)
3. What high school did you attend? (brighton)
4. What is your favorite color? (pink)
5. Who is your celebrity crush? (will ferrell)
6. Favorite drink? (tropical punch kool-aid)
7. Dream vacation? (tropical beaches)
8. Favorite dessert? (cake)
9. What do you want to be when you grow up? (comfortable)
10. What do you love most in life? (the way he makes me laugh)
11. One word to describe you? (happy)
12. Your Flickr name? (knickyb)

Photo Credits: 1. freedom 2. crown burger 3. super styled that tash 4. spotted or striped 5. little anchorman - ron burgandy 6. fever for the flavor 7. the arrival of a rainstorm 8. sweetie pie 9. sea of green chairs 10. a day alone (in the metropolis) 11. jumping all night 26 / year 2 12. knicky

I loved Ali's Mosaic so much, I had to make my own. She (and I) learned how here.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Define Sanctity

I'm not often a soap box stander oner, but today I'm going to be. Just for a quick secy. Bear with me.

Everyone once in a while, when I need a break from work, I indulge in a hint of the Tyra Show. Yesterday's episode was about open relationships, and its been bothering me since I saw it.

There were these four people, right? The two in the middle are married. To each other. The girl on the right is the husband's "lover." He also has a girlfriend. The guy on the left is (I missed the beginning, but I think) the wife's boyfriend, who the husband claims to love as his brother. Did I mention the wife is bisexual? The husband and the wife have children who have relationships with all of the characters in this story.

I don't know. I just feel like there's something wrong with all of this. These people are allowed to be married, and have all these other flings and relationships and lord knows what. However, people who have been in loving, committed, monogamous relationships for years upon years with someone of the same sex are not allowed to get married because, according to some religious and political leaders, they will destroy the sanctity of marriage.

So, define sanctity. Because I obviously don't understand.