Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Dream Where Miles Was Born

My nephew, Miles Jay, could be born any second.

Last night I dreamt that he was born, and he was an itty bitty, teeny tiny, kangaroo-like baby. Kangaroo-like in that he was only a couple of inches big and would just kind of cling/crawl on you. But he was shaped like a human. He was so tiny and cute and everyone loved him and everyone wanted to cradle him in the palm of their hand.

It really doesn't make any sense though, because, no offense to Maeve, but she is enormous. Not in a bad way. In a mesmerizing, there's-a-person-in-there way.


Weber said...

I also had a dream this week this Miles was born. He was beautiful! I don't want to freak out Maeve, but there was a second baby. I'm thinking it was one of my co-workers that delivered at the same time. It was all very confusing. I just remember beautiful babies.

Carly said...

well, be sure to send plenty of pics when babes comes...because I will be feeling pretty homesick at that point.