Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Parents Have Been Married for 37 Years!

Dad and I were reading on the deck of the cabin in Island Park on Monday night, when he looked up from his book into the kitchen where Mom, Brad, and Maeve were preparing dinner. He said, "Thirty-seven fucking years."

I said, "I know, Dad. That's a long time. Its awesome."

Still looking into the cabin, he got this look on his face I couldn't quite read. Confused, with my eyebrows scrunched, I asked, "Does that bum you out?"

He said, "Oh, no! I was just thinking about how much I love her."

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!!!!!!!! I love you both so much!!!!!!


Weber said...

Thanks Jess! That actually made me cry. Love, Mom

Melody said...

That was totally cool, your dad for saying it and you for sharing it.

Kate said...

He has his sweet moments once in a while, doesn't he?

Julianne said...
