Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Triumphant Return to the Library

Those of you who regularly discuss books with me know that I shop on because of the late fees I owe to the Salt Lake County Library System. After probably a year of avoidance, I finally decided it was time to face those fees.

I shamefully approached the cute, faux-hawked boy at the desk and explained, "I haven't been here in a while because I owe an embarrassing amount of money." I asked if it would be okay to chip away at my debt a few dollars at a time, and he agreed. He even let me check out TWO books, and with an adorable smile and a hearty, "Welcome back to the library!", sent me on my way.

I guess this means I have no excuse for not reading what my book club decides on.


Anonymous said...

Very brave! Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

I hardly think that's as dorky as you promised it would be. I'd check out more books from faux-hawked boys any day!

Anonymous said...

How much could you possibly owe? It's the damn library!

Anonymous said...

you had to arrange a PAYMENT PLAN?? haha