Friday, April 25, 2008

The Dream Brought on by Eaters Remorse

So, I'm back at the W.W. Not in my dream, but in real life. I knew it was time when I reached my original weight watchers starting weight and was down to two shirts and one skirt that fit. But yesterday I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and had an awful day and let me emotions drive right through the Burger King Drive Through. Then I drank a couple of beers after kickball. Then I had an ice cream sandwich for a bedtime snack.

Then I dreamt that I had had surgery. Not like a gastric bypass, but ...well, I don't know what. In my dream I was in a lot of pain because I had all of these little 1-2 inch incisions on my stomach and legs, where they were sucking out the fat, presumably. Anyway, I was wearing normal clothes - like jeans. And the jeans were rubbing on my incisions. And it hurt.

Moral of the story is: Although a BK TenderCrisp sandwich is delicious, it is not worth the pain and suffering.

But the beer is.


Travis said...

I'm doing WW too. I also have had bad days and said "f**k it, I'm eating deep-fried bacon-wrapped cheese for dinner!".

I did discover a good compromise though...I eat nothing but core foods during the week (except for one beer every night) then I will pig out on the weekends.

I've lost 10 pounds so far! Woohoo!


Bethers said...

I totally relate to this and can't figure out why I am increasing in size even without the beer! WW is a good program....I know I need to get on one.

Kate said...

Maybe your pajamas were just itchy...