Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fall. Football. Father.

I've always loved summer. And always disliked when summer started cooling down into fall.

But I recently found something that I love about fall. Football, oddly enough. I've spent the past two Sundays picking up the mess I managed to create throughout the week, with the tv tuned into the NFL. Last week it was opening day, so it was kind of a novelty. But by the end of the day I realized how comforting it is to have it on. The announcer guys, the whistling, the cheering crowds. It all makes me think of Dad. There were a couple of times last week where I came out of my kitchen or bedroom and half expected to see Dad sitting on the couch with a tray of club crackers (remember when they came in the big sheet of four?), skippy creamy peanut butter, an assortment of jellies, and some chocolate milk.

I love you, Dad! Go Eagles!


Brad K. said...

Jess, did you know that peanut butter and jelly crackers isn't normal? I only found that out a couple of years ago.

Anonymous said...

That almost makes me wish I enjoyed watching football.

Anonymous said...

First of all, this actually put water in the eyes--has something to do with the accident, I'm sure.
Second, the Eagle are on tonight against the Redskins. Third is for Brad--what do you mean not normal? Actually my Dad did just the crakers and peanut butter--never cheese, never jelly. Fourth, Weber, you're always invited to watch.
Lastly, I LOVE YOU, too, Jess!!!

Kate said...

Well, I'm with Shirley, although I can muster a little more enthusiasm for the Packers.

Sarah Bellum said...

Ahh, Jess this is such a great post!