Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Dream About the Refrigerator

I just remembered that I had another dream I remember.

I dreamt that I was in my little kitchen, scrounging for something to eat. I opened my fridge and to my horror (joy? no! horror!) it was full of things like cheesecake and yogurt-covered pretzels and chocolate grahams and other such holiday treats. I couldn't find anything healthy in there and my tummy was hurting.

Just to clarify, my refrigerator is actually full of Gatorade and Bud Light and various salad dressings, but nothing to put said dressings on.


Kate said...

Hmmm.. (say this next part in a Freud-like accent) Vat do you tink might be ze hidden meanink ov dees?

Kate said...

I tagged you to play "Seven Things About Me". Have fun!

Travis said...

I'm embarrassed..I actually have four different kinds of beer in my fridge right now...Heineken, Fat Tire, Bud Light, and PBR....and a ton of brussel sprouts.

I have a thing for brussel sprouts.